Prepare your home office for the return from vacation

Prepare your home office for the return from vacation

August 28th, 2021

Although thinking about going back to work is never a pleasant task, preparing our home office for it can be. Choosing new furniture or refreshing the design of the office can be the only fun thing about the return from vacation. That is why we are going to try to take advantage of that positive point with some ideas and tips to renovate and prepare our home office .

Don't skimp on the furniture

First things first and to get your home office ready, there are two fundamental elements to choose from: the desk and the chair. It is not good to sting at this point since we will spend many hours using this furniture and it must be comfortable as well as aesthetic.

Ideas for your work area

The office chair will have to be ergonomic and adapt well to our body and posture if we do not want to end up with the back as a question mark. It should also fit the size of the area and the desk itself.

As for the aforementioned desk , we will look for one that respects our needs. For this we must think about what and how we are going to use it. Perhaps it will have to be for two people, we may need a lot of space for work tools or perhaps what we want is to be adjustable.

Decorate a home office

Make it yours

Customize your work area at home to make it according to both your tastes and your needs and you will not fail. If we work in an ergonomic place that at the same time makes our eyes happy, we will be more comfortable and even more productive.

We can change the handles of the drawers, put our favorite ornaments and plants or add that flexo that we always liked. Follow your own style and keep it tidy so that getting to work gives you a cozy feeling and doesn't become an ordeal.

Make organization your motto

As we mentioned in the previous point, maintaining order is essential to create a healthy work area. To achieve this, one of the keys is to organize the utensils and tools that we use. Store what you don't use daily in drawers and place what you use continuously on open shelves or shelves so you have it on hand and find it quickly.

You can also add an organizational panel to your desk where, with magnets or push pins, you can place notes or pending tasks. Now that you have come this far, get yourself an agenda that will help you organize your day to day.

How to decorate a study area

Fill it with light

Working in a dark place is not the same as working in a well-lit one. If you have a window in the room where you have the office area, take advantage of it. Use blinds or curtains that adapt to your climate, being able to make the most of a low light or, on the contrary, cover the light enough so that it does not heat the room.

The more natural and less artificial light that illuminates your workday, the better. But when you have no choice but to turn on the light, have auxiliary lights on hand that do not dazzle you while being enough to see without straining your eyes.

Keys to organize your home office

Ready to prepare your home office after the holidays?

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